photo by EfrankE

Friday, January 8, 2010

Elvis Presley, 1935-1977

Elvis Presley would have turned 75 years old today.

As singers go few others have left the building with such a sustained following. He still sells a lot of recordings, and tons of memorabilia, even at more than 30 years after his passing.

How many Elvis impersonators have him to thank for their livelihoods, today? Interestingly, most of them represent him in his "comeback" years, most often portraying him in a sparkly, caped jumpsuit in a Spandex weave. I guess it's pretty hard to fit into those Jailhouse Rock jeans for most of them.

The story goes that after a concert one time, a woman came up to Elvis and gushingly declared, "Elvis, you're the King!" Elvis replied to her, "No, ma'am. Christ is the King, I'm just a singer."

No argument there.

I imagine a lot of people will be humming favorite Elvis songs today. I'll be singing along to some of them on CD myself while driving about, windows up and sans sparkly, caped jumpsuit. Probably.

An artists depiction of a 70 year old Elvis, had he survived, published some five years ago. I Can't recall the original source.

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